There's numerous instances where inexperienced users bought things off the internet that didn't come with anything resembling sufficient documentation, often even of very basic things like operating voltages, and expect us to compensate for the shortcoming of the seller.
I think we should not tolerate these kinds of questions for (at least) two reasons:
- Politically, and economically, it's unsound to support business models where people of no technical expertise whatsoever sell components on the internet, getting around having to actually afford documenting their parts, whereas companies that actually do offer even the minimum feasible documentation have expenses. This is made morally worse by the fact that "clones" and plain counterfeits that don't even incur any R&D costs are among the things that are most heavily sold in this form.
- It's bad for the quality of questions on this site. Basically, the same reasoning as against product recommendation questions apply: Information outdates quickly, this isn't a catalogue, the questions are usually underresearched.
Finally, I also do think it's bad for beginners. If I accumulate my experiences with things that people have bought over {insert direct far-east import marketplace platform here}, it's that these things seldom work as well as to expect from a reasonably engineered and quality-assured product, and that's usually the reason why the price tag's so low.
Beginners are led to believe that not getting the specs of what they pay for from whoever they pay is the norm. And that should really not be the case. And, if we don't proliferate quickly outdated info based on guessing on (usually actually stolen) product photos, we can at least avoid giving this impression a platform.
Can we please have a close reason
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic, as StackExchange should not be used as substitute for sufficient documentation. Please refer to the manufacturer, seller or service dealer for sufficient documentation, as is the standard for any reputable business.