I was one of those that voted to close. After reading the first few lines, it was clear this was a consumer electronics question, not a electrical engineering question.
Sometimes I leave a comment, sometimes not. This particular one was a long time ago, and I don't remember this question specifically. Reasons not to leave a comment that could apply here include that it should be obvious, that engaging the OP in discussion about closing would likely just yield pointless arguing, and that there is really nothing for the OP to fix to make a useful question appropriate for here.
My impression reading the question just now is that this guy never bothered to read the guidelines and just dumped his question on us. If they can't be bothered to read the rules before posting, I don't see the point bothing to explain why the post is being closed. This is not the kind of person likely to add any long term value to the site, so a unceremonious boot out the door is the most expedient solution.