This is sort of a follow-up to What will be the benefits in having a separate Arduino site?
The separate Arduino site entered private beta, but did not have enough activity to enter public beta after a week, while also showing significant overlap with this site. We believe that trying to maintain a separate Arduino site at this point in time would be detrimental to both EE and the Arduino community on Stack Exchange, so we've decided to close it next week.
However, a few concerns need to be addressed, namely:
That Electrical Engineering is too unfriendly toward beginners (in particular Arduino enthusiasts who are not trained EEs).
That beginner questions drag down the level of quality on this site by being poorly researched, poorly thought-out or overly broad.
That Arduino development tends to involve a fair bit of "product-support" questions regarding specific boards, Arduino add-ons, tools, etc.
The last thing anyone wants is a site full of poorly-asked questions - whether that's here or a separate Arduino site. Based on past discussions here, I don't think hating on beginners is a conscious goal either. Product support is always a bit tricky, but it's been done successfully on many sites for many products by limiting it to the technical aspects of a product:
Stack Exchange should only be ONE of the support options listed on the product's main site. Make sure you have other resources for support apart from Stack Exchange. Issues like bug reporting, feature requests, generalized discussions, and specific customer support issues do not fit into our Q&A model, and should be quickly closed by the community.
So with this in mind, what can and should be done here to welcome Arduino enthusiasts?