Is it possible that the we could get an additional closing flag that explicitly spells out "This question is closed until the OP adds more information"?
We get a lot of questions that lack necessary detail. These questions generally get closed (as they should be) because they lack necessary information required to be able to answer them.
However, the flag used for closing questions that lack sufficient information is "Not a real question".
Now, I certainly agree that this applies to many questions. There was the guy who wanted to know how to design an entire laptop, for example.
On the other hand, there are a lot of questions that probably are a real question, it's just that the OP is new/clueless, and thinks this is more of a traditional forum then a Q&A site. When these sort of questions are closed as "not a real question", I tend to suspect it drives the OP away entirely, rather then incentives them to fix up their question.
Furthermore, at least for me, the wording of "not a real question" closure marker doesn't imply the intended message at all. In many cases, the OP has a question that would be welcomed here (and we may even be able to tell this from what has been posted so far), it's just that we can't answer the question using the presently provided information. Now, a lot of this hinges on my (completely subjective) reading and interpretation of the closure dialog, but it sure doesn't imply what it actually means, at least in my opinion.
What I think we really need is an option to close a question in a way that explicitly specifies that we are ready and willing to reopen. Something like:
Furthermore, the "see the FAQ" link does not actually give you any more information on how you can get your post reopened. Literally, the FAQ "answer" as to why your post was closed is an exact copy of the text in the "Closed" information box.
Nowhere is it clearly spelled out that reopening of questions is a standard procedure, and particularly for new users, who are more accustomed to a traditional forum, where the closing of a thread is generally permanent, likely simply leave, rather then fix their question.
Apologies to Leon Heller, Camil Staps, PeterJ, Anindo Ghosh, Kortuk♦. The closed post that prompted me to ask this question was one they had closed, so I used the closure dialog from there for my images above.