I can only tell you how I perceived your questions and what I did about it.
What are these components?
I didn't up/down vote but answered. You seemed to want exact answers for something we can at best take a guess on. I answered with general guesses and left it at that. When you complained that my answer wasn't complete, I thought to myself screw this and tuned out the question altogether after that. I didn't go back and fix what I decided was a mistake in my answer after seeing it again.
Need to a good source for know electronic component (for newbies)
I didn't see that one, but agree with closing it. If you can't understand why this is not a fit for this site, then you need to read the rules. If it's still not obvious, then you don't belong here.
Learning reverse engineering
Again, if you still can't understand why this was closed, do both you and us a favor and go elsewhere.
What's the difference between this crystal package?
I never saw that, but you did get one answer. I might have downvoted if I had seen it. I imagine the downvotes are because the question is poorly written, making it annoying to read, and pretty stupid on the face of it. You show good pictures of two clearly different packages, then ask what's different!
The poor English makes this question annoying to read. I realize that English is probably not your first language, and this isn't probaby your fault, but in the end that only matters a little. Foreigners do get a little slack, but, like with everything else in the world, it's results that ultimately matter.
Bad English is annoying to read. If you write bad English, you are going to annoy people here, plain and simple. Again, we sometimes will allow for some annoyance in processing a question when it's a result of English not being the first language, but the annoyance is still there. Remember, it's you who came here to this previously-existing English-language site. No it's not fair, but it is what it is. This is the real world.
Think of it from my point of view. I can spend time reading this question and doing the annoying mental processing of getting past the bad English to the real question, or I can spend that time clicking downvote, close, and moving on to the next question. Like it or not, that is exactly the choice I have every question I read. You can't expect me to spend extra volunteer time on parsing badly written questions.
As a result, when there are any other issues with the question, bad English will push the needle more towards screw this. In this case I suspect the apparent stupidity of the question, showing essentially no reasearch effort, was the first problem and the bad English pushed it over the edge.