Why are questions being put on hold so much? I just wasted 10 minutes of my time answering a very general and non specific question just to find out that the question is closed or on hold for more detail. The question clearly was not meant to be specific and was more of a research type of a question where any answer would probably help the person asking the question.
This has happened to me for every interesting problem I posted on here (my point of view), and until now thought that perhaps I was not asking the question properly.
Is reputation points being rewarded for put questions on hold or down voting? Is there an effort to have only very specific and easy to answer questions populating the site? Is most of the questions asked traditionally troubleshooting questions by people who are willing to spend the time to get every detail that is asked of? Why not answer the question being presented since many misconceptions are shared among those who are learning something on their own which would then because a Q & A that is valuable to the site? I bet this question will hit a -20 before I regret it enough to remove... or will that decision not be mine?