I'm taking on a background mission of deleting inappropriate arduino tags as they come in, like in How to switch a Bluetooth module with a P-Channel MOSFET high-side switch?, which has absolutely nothing to do with Arduinos. The tag has become an absolutely meaningless meta-tag, and really skews our statistics
Its interesting that this doesn't seem to happen with the microcontroller tag.
As an update, meta tags are officially discouraged:
There’s been a major uptick recently in tags that are not useful and just add noise. I want to stress that these are usually added in good faith, and I am not questioning anybody’s motivation – I know that they all mean well. But this particular category of tags is one that has been historically referred to as meta-tags on MSO, and these tags cause a lot of problems.
The reason meta-tags are a problem is that they do not describe the content of the question. They describe some other aspect of the question, like the author’s skill level, or the author’s motivation for asking it, or generally what “kind” of question it is (poll, how-to, etc.).
Meta-tags are actually a subset of a larger problem that I usually call dependent tags. These are tags that don’t say anything by themselves – you can’t tell what the question is about unless they’re paired with some other tag (or several of them). These tags are a problem because people don’t realize this and will often use that as the question’s only tag. This is the insight that had eluded me for two full years. Seems obvious in retrospect, doesn’t it?
From this point on, meta-tagging is explicitly discouraged.