I really cannot understand why this question about LTspice settings was abruptly downvoted and, moreover, closed in almost no time.
OK, it wasn't the best question one could expect, but it was comprehensible and it did show a moderate effort to understand what was going on under the hood.
What really struck me was the reason for closing it:
This question does not appear to be about electronics design within the scope defined in the help center.
What?!? A question about a SPICE simulator is not on topic here? And where else would it be on topic then? On StackOverflow? SuperUser? Any idea?
And that reason is blatantly wrong, help-center excerpt (emphasis mine):
the theory and simulation of electromagnetic forces
If it is not on topic, then I wonder why similar questions on, for example, Altium designer aren't subject to the same treatment! Just one in particular (the first I found about an efficiency issue).