I wanted to draw a circuit and export it to a PDF for a university project. I found out about them by a link on this site. When I tried to print, it says
You must save your circuit before exporting.
When I tried to save, it says
Error: create an account to get started.
Ok, if doesn't cost anything, why not? I'm disappointed about what happened when I created the account and tried it again, though
An active Circuit Lab membership is required to save circuits.
Man, that's gross. I understand that "to get started" does technically not mean "in order to save". But why do they need to trick their users with nifty word games? This is a well known bait technique, usually applied in marketing to promise things for no charge. I did not expect Stack Exchange to link to such a fraud site.
HTML-tags. But I can clearly see how that's not relevant to this discussion. So, how is your observation that " Last time I checked it takes money to pay developers" or "We don't pay for anything to have circuitlab on this site so that's nice of them to let us use their code for free." or anything else you wrote relevant to the bait I discovered? \$\endgroup\$