Adjective tags are bad because they generally cannot be used on their own, requiring a noun to define. I found a few examples of such tags which I'd like to clean up.
We currently have 37 questions tagged with common. "Common" is only meaningful when paired with a noun describing what is common: common-mode, common-base, common-ground, etc. Most of such composite tags already exist.
There's also passive with 12 questions, which refer to either a passive-filter (or, more generally, passive-networks), or to NFC tags lacking a power source. Perhaps we need a passive-nfc tag?
Another ugly adjective tag is stable, which hosts 11 questions. Here, I would suggest to replace it with stability when the question is about stability in terms of control theory, otherwise simply remove it and add an appropriate tag (e.g. voltage-reference) if possible.
resistive includes 24 questions which almost exclusively refer to resistive load, and eventually to resistive networks or brake resistors. Perhaps we should change that tag to resistive-load and remove it where it doesn't apply.
inductive / capacitive
inductive and capacitive mostly refer to either inductive / capacitive load or inductive / capacitive coupling. However, these tags are quite popular so I expect there will be plenty of exceptions. I suggest we start retagging these questions with appropriate tags such as capacitive-coupling and see what remains.
linear / non-linear
Then there are linear and non-linear tags. These are more complicated because many more questions are using these tags, and 5 people currently watch linear. Most of these questions refer to two distinct topics:
- linear systems / LDEs
- linearity as a property of ADCs, amplifiers, etc.
I believe we should retag all questions in the second class with linearity, dedicate that tag to the property it names (and make that clear in the description) and eventually change linear to linear-systems. I'm afraid it won't be so simple though, as edge cases will pop up.
wireless is a very popular tag, which can as a first approximation be split between wireless communication (which IMO is just a cool name for radio) and wireless power transfer including wireless-charging. I think we should eventually change it to wireless-communication (and maybe make it synonym with radio), but before that questions which are not about communication need to be identified and retagged.
I would like to contribute to the cleanup, hopefully without disturbing the site too much. Any advice on how to proceed?