In this Q/A, the questioner asked for guidance modelling the self capacitance of a solenoid.
Andy Aka had already answered with a good method for measuring it. I supported this answer, and said so. I then went on to describe how to approximately model the self capacitance of a multi-layer solenoid.
In his answer, he also gave an estimate for the self capacitance of 3 pF, a value that to me, given the solenoid dimensions, sounded entirely infeasible. I said I did not support this estimate. I described the estimate as a PIDOOMA. It was the estimate I was describing, not the person.
I support Andy's method for measuring the capacitance by using the self resonance of the coil, but not his PIDOOMA of 3 pF.
A moderator removed the PIDOOMA phrase, fair enough, but also totally changed the meaning of what I had written. As now edited, it suggests that I support the estimated 3 pF value.
I support Andy's method for measuring the capacitance by using the self resonance of the coil, a capacitance of 3 pF.
As the post is now locked, I can't alter this. I would like a moderator to edit the post so it reverts to my original meaning
I support Andy's method for measuring the capacitance by using the self resonance of the coil, but not his capacitance estimate of 3 pF.
If it's completely forbidden to express disagreement with part of somebody else's answer, then removing the reference to 3 pF would be acceptable, as in
I support Andy's method for measuring the capacitance by using the self resonance of the coil.
Or even to remove that paragraph entirely.
It's the end of my day here in the UK, so I won't be able to engage with any discussion of this for the next few hours.