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Questions tagged [feature-request]

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Closing reasons and the limited available migration target sites

I came across this question: Determine the engine power This is a perfectly fine question (maybe, unless it is homework, but it is still a good example of this!), just not for this particular site. ...
MCG's user avatar
  • 12.2k
4 votes
1 answer

Add syntax highlighting for the c++ tag

Please add syntax highlighting to the c++ tag. From What is syntax highlighting and how does it work? : Only moderators can change the highlighting language for a tag. ...
toolic's user avatar
  • 9,763
4 votes
2 answers

Update the on-topic help page: Repair questions, "do insteads"

We have number of close reasons, aside from the SE-network-wide ones: Questions seeking recommendations for specific products or places to purchase them are off-topic as they are rarely useful to ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to add inline-mathjax support like the other StackExchange sites document?

I am accustomed to inline-math with MathJax support on many Stack Exchange sites. For electrical engineering, equations are a really big part of circuit modeling. $I_{DS}$ for instance is used to ...
Stephen Elliott's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

This site doesn't work on my iPad. Suggestion [closed]

Maybe it's me. My iPad is a bit old. But, if entire replies were included in emails, then I wouldn't have to fire up my desktop computer to read them. (It's my always handy iPad that I use for email.)
Explorer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Request: New tag: `capacitive-touch` [closed]

I have begun to ask questions about design of capacitive-touch interfaces, whether as touchscreens or buttons/sliders/wheels. I did not find an associated tag. The ...
kando's user avatar
  • 437
4 votes
2 answers

MathJax in chat

I am always reluctant to move comments to chat, if they contain MathJax, because the chat interface doesn't support it. All math expressions are displayed as plain text, with the \$ delimiters, and no ...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Discussion Tab in the side panel of each question [closed]

I want to suggest to add a Discussion Tab in the side panel of each question. I think it will help users to discuss about the topic with out interfering with in the comments and share their thought ...
Ankit_Gunner's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Add syntax highlighting for the matlab tag

Please add syntax highlighting to the matlab tag. From What is syntax highlighting and how does it work? : Only moderators can change the highlighting language for a tag. ...
toolic's user avatar
  • 9,763
0 votes
0 answers

How about a simple graphics tool?

How about including a simple drawing tool in the answer section. I was faced with answering a question about cmos transistor layout today. I needed to produce some graphics for this. This was as ...
RoyC's user avatar
  • 10.1k
2 votes
1 answer

Browsing unanswered questions, how to scroll efficiently

How can I reach e.g. page 348 of this endless list with less than 50 clicks? When I read these things some pages per day, I can't seek to the last page or range I left some days before.
Jens's user avatar
  • 8,335
-7 votes
1 answer

Circumventing closure of questions

After some time with the "3 votes to close" working it seems that, overall, this improved the signal to noise ratio. Non-salvageable questions, do-my-homework requests and "let me ...
devnull's user avatar
  • 9,639
8 votes
1 answer

Please add book recommendations to the list of "don't" on the on-topic page

Book recommendations are off-topic on EE.SE: Why book recommendations questions are off-topic?, but that is not listed in the not-about items on the What topics can I ask about here? help page. Other ...
Andrew Morton's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Asker-Alert for "opinion-based" and similar questions?

I've noticed a lot of newcomer-questions with wording like: [...] is it possible [...] [...] is there any way to [...] [...] do you think [...] is/are [...] actually useful? etc. It would be great ...
rdtsc's user avatar
  • 16.4k
-6 votes
1 answer

Feature Request: Import Board Schematic from Software like Eagle to Electronics Stack Exchange

Previously, I and my workmate have a hard time to recreate board schematic on Electronics Stack Exchange because it can't simply import our schematic from Autodesk Eagle. Then we ditched it and upload ...
Thor-x86_128's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Would a Moderator delete the misspelled [verliog] tag?

Would a Moderator please delete the misspelled verliog tag? There is only one question with this tag: Basic Verilog Assignment The question title has the correct spelling of "Verilog". I ...
toolic's user avatar
  • 9,763
2 votes
2 answers

Can we stop the Community bot from "bumping" old questions?

This site has fairly high traffic as SE sites go - there's a steady flow of new posts. Yet this appears to be the only site(?) where the "Community bot" is frequently "bumping" old ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 22.2k
4 votes
3 answers

Add syntax highlighting for the system-verilog tag

Please add the same syntax highlighting as the verilog tag to the system-verilog tag for consistency. Currently, verilog has syntax highlighting, but ...
toolic's user avatar
  • 9,763
16 votes
4 answers

Homework questions, and the Tour guidance

I've just VTC a 'homework with no attempt' question, and another user has added a link to the Tour, perhaps thinking it was helpful. On reading it, it offers no guidance to our policy. These are the ...
Neil_UK's user avatar
  • 174k
14 votes
4 answers

I'd like us to participate in the three-vote close experiment

I often feel that questions linger too long before being closed, collecting answers making it difficult to edit a closed question. I would like EE.SE to take part in the recent site-wide "three-...
pipe's user avatar
  • 14.6k
5 votes
4 answers

Can we have cite button?

Math SE has got a cite button to give citations on homeworks or etc. Can we have it here too? Do we want a cite button? What are the advantages\disadvantages? A quote from math stack exchange to ...
Nabla's user avatar
  • 293
24 votes
4 answers

Adding a community specific close message for homework

After checking the stats on custom closing messages, homework seems to come up at least 30% to 50% of the time. Because of this, creating a custom closing message would be beneficial. Homework ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
  • 88.8k
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a place to a certain kind of questions in EE.SE?

It looks like an XY question, but it is not ! It looks like a shopping question, but it is not! It seems poorly specified, but it is in a certain sense! It is certainly needed, but it has no chance in ...
MikeTeX's user avatar
  • 1,938
-1 votes
2 answers

Close reason for a calco (like a typo)?

The question How to fully discharge supercapacitor? was answered by showing the user that they had made a calculation error. Should there be a "caused by a typo or calculation error" close reason?
Andrew Morton's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Dark mode for EE.SE

Why we don't have the dark mode for EE sub? when it's going to be enabled for us?
ElectronSurf's user avatar
  • 2,418
1 vote
0 answers

Off-topic close reasons (Flagging off topic questions) [duplicate]

I just stumbled on this question How to do UDP Transmission on ENC28J60? which asks advice about a software library. I wanted to flag the question as off topic, and noticed a nice reason "this ...
linuxfan says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a notice board on EESE?

I shall be attending the funeral service for Barrie Gilbert (known for the Gilbert Cell and for his translinear theory from 1975.) This is the obituary for Barrie Gilbert. After the memorial service, ...
jonk's user avatar
  • 78.7k
3 votes
0 answers

Management of links to external sites

It's been frequently noted that a lot of questions and answers seem to rely on a linked page for proper explanation of the content provided in the post. However, with time the links tend to become ...
Electric_90's user avatar
  • 2,162
1 vote
3 answers

Mentioning a particular user

Currently, we can mention a user using '@' under comments, only if he/she has already commented in that thread. Why our Stack Exchange doesn't allow one to mention any other users in comments so that ...
Meenie Leis's user avatar
  • 2,782
-1 votes
1 answer

Posting a question with a Karnaugh Map

I would like to post a Karnuagh Map which I drew with LaTex and the package Karnaugh-map. However, MathJax does not support this package. I think it would be nice if it did. Here is the LaTex code: <...
Bob's user avatar
  • 209
-7 votes
3 answers

Introduce flag for suicide attempt

On a platform with a lot of users being professionals but open also to laymen, we are often confronted with questions clearly asking for help in things which pose a lethal risk to the questioner or ...
Ariser's user avatar
  • 4,128
4 votes
1 answer

Earning edit privelge

I review the edit queue. Part of my review procedure is if edit is done by user g or user p tick accept. Although these users do not have the reputation to edit without review they have consistently ...
RoyC's user avatar
  • 10.1k
4 votes
0 answers

Can we have a question entry wizard like Stack Overflow?

If I had to guess, I'd say we're a SE site that gets comparatively many questions that get marked as off-topic, mainly in the category of "shopping questions" and "usage questions". From a comment of ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Remove the default Opamp type from schematic editor

When adding an Opamp to a circuit, you'll get a TL081: That's not a sane default. A sane default for most questions, that wind around "theoretical" opamps would be "no type"; anything else will just ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

"belongs on another site on the stackexchange network"

When VTCing a post (VingTC? VTC-ing?), if you pick that it belongs on another SE site, you're given two options, Superuser and meta.EE.SE. But very frequently questions crop up that belong on ...
Hearth's user avatar
  • 38.5k
-1 votes
2 answers

Why are there no down votes for comments

Why are there no down votes for comments as there are for questions and answers. People sometimes use the comments to give answers as well.
F.Ahmed's user avatar
  • 282
16 votes
5 answers

Poor reviewing of Suggested Edits

I find consistently poor reviews in the Suggested Edits queue, by a given reviewer. I recently voted to reject a particularly unnecessary/harmful edit, and found that it was voted for approval by the ...
Blair Fonville's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Minimum badge requirement?

There have been a lot of poor questions here by people who have zero badges (there is no point linking questions as they are not difficult to find). 9 times out of 10, a question by a person with no ...
MCG's user avatar
  • 12.2k
16 votes
6 answers

Repair Guidelines-- Where are they, and where should they be

With some recent silliness in meta referring to guidelines for repair questions, I went to our help center to actually look for those guidelines. Bottom line: I couldn't find any. If we're going ...
Scott Seidman's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Specifics of downvotes

I have a question about my Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange post: Strange resistance between two adjacent but unlinked nets on veroboard This question is downvoted -2, I want to know is there a ...
Danish ALI's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Could the "verilog-a" tag be created?

I don't have 300 rep yet on this website. A verilog-a (and maybe as well a Verilog-AMS) tag would be useful for a few questions, ...
MayeulC's user avatar
  • 253
-2 votes
1 answer

Changing the How to ask section when asking a new question?

I hang around EE.SE a lot these days and keep checking on the new question like a challenge to myself if I could figure out how to solve it. But what I encounter is a lot of bad questions. So I just ...
MaNyYaCk's user avatar
  • 1,468
5 votes
2 answers

Why are down-votes locked

I try to use down-votes judiciously, and only do so when I truly feel that the -1 is deserved. Still, at least a couple of times I have revisited the question/answer the following day, and found ...
Blair Fonville's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Need an Embedded Logic Simulator

We have the circuit lab tool which is pretty ok for linear circuits, but it would be nice to have a proper logic simulator too. I have no idea what was involved or how much time it took to get ...
Trevor_G's user avatar
  • 47k
-3 votes
5 answers

Let me Google that for you

I seriously think we need this choice under the close flags... There are just so many questions that obviously fit this category and need to be marked for closure, example, but simply do not fit ...
Trevor_G's user avatar
  • 47k
-7 votes
2 answers

New tag request: resource-recommendations

I don't know whether this site is relatively new, but I don't find an important tag here, that I use often on Physics SE or other science SE. A new tag should be implemented: 'resource-...
Wrichik Basu's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How could be best set up a help feature for repairs in Africa?

Ooops: I just got my last question blocked for being off-topic. I am sorry, I had not realized that this exchange is only meant for design of electrical stuff, not for installation, operating nor ...
Martin Zaske's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is there a list of the most up voted questions?

Looking for a list of questions with the most upvotes. Like most up voted questions of the day, week, month, all time. Does this exist?
DavidG25's user avatar
  • 1,379
-7 votes
2 answers

Low quality question tag?

This is a duplicate, but answers may very do to each individual SE policy. I have a positive reputation in science and math there are negatives. I thought I was OK but now I cannot ask questions or ...
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Vote for an answer to become accepted

I'm tired of seeing bumps made by community. It's always questions made by one-timers making an account, receiving answers and leaving forever without accepting an answer. Many of those questions have ...
Harry Svensson's user avatar

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