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Remove the default Opamp type from schematic editor

When adding an Opamp to a circuit, you'll get a TL081: That's not a sane default. A sane default for most questions, that wind around "theoretical" opamps would be "no type"; anything else will just ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
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CircuitLab touch capability?

Since I've only accessed SE from my mobile devices for the last month now, I've begun noticing some interesting erm "characteristics" of the CircuitLab links on this site. If browsing with "Request ...
Robherc KV5ROB's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

CircuitLab schematic integration: we still get huge diagrams after 3 years, any news or workarounds?

When embedding a CircuitLab schematic the schematic is scaled to a constant width regardless of the complexity of the diagram. This causes questions and answers with multiple schematics to become ...
jms's user avatar
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CircuitLab + IE

Ok, so CircuitLab - the thing that we draw the circuits in for EE.SE posts - works perfectly well on IE11, and to be honest probably on other versions as well. So can you please remove the really ...
Tom Carpenter's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Why is the CircuitLab tool privileged?

Recently, the CircuitLab tool was added. This tool is privileged so that only people with 11 reputation can post images. I understand the idea of privileges: Because we allow participation from ...
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14 votes
7 answers

Smaller CircuitLab schematics

If it's up to me, the CircuitLab schematics can be somewhat smaller. See this example: What is the purpose of R2 in this discrete voltage regulator circuit?. I tried earlier to make a small circuit ...
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41 votes
7 answers

Embedding a schematic editor

I've noted that really often, questions require the use of schematics, and answers too. Since I've seen some online editors, why don't we also embed one, to encourage the use of proper schematics?
clabacchio's user avatar
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