Questions tagged [vote-to-close]

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14 votes
4 answers

I'd like us to participate in the three-vote close experiment

I often feel that questions linger too long before being closed, collecting answers making it difficult to edit a closed question. I would like EE.SE to take part in the recent site-wide "three-...
pipe's user avatar
  • 14.3k
0 votes
0 answers

How is this a use question and not design?

Qi Charging transmitter types was closed as a usage question when it's about using a semiconductor reference module in a design. Wouldnt that make any question on why a given electrical engineering ...
Passerby's user avatar
  • 73k
-2 votes
4 answers

How is it decided that a question is unclear?

I don't understand why this question has been closed as unclear. On the contrary, when I read it, it seem completely obvious and multiplying circuits are a more or less common topic. It gives a bad ...
Camion's user avatar
  • 323
4 votes
7 answers

Explicit close reason: "OP bought undocumented stuff, asks us instead of seller for documentation"

There's numerous instances where inexperienced users bought things off the internet that didn't come with anything resembling sufficient documentation, often even of very basic things like operating ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Typical grace period before voting to close questions

On occasion, when I come across a particularly bad question (e.g. homework with no attempt; or requests such as "why doesn't this work", where no schematic or sufficient detail is given), I'll go ...
Blair Fonville's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why does an open bounty make a question unclosable?

This question has attracted at least 7 down-votes (1 mine) and no up-votes and in my opinion seems overly broad and at least a bit off-topic. Comments from other users have indicated as much too. But ...
brhans's user avatar
  • 14.7k
6 votes
5 answers

Is the strict attitude towards questions working?

I am mostly active on ServerFault, but have lurked here on and off. I'm also active on meta.SE and a few other SE sites. On ServerFault and other SE sites, there are issues with question quality and ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do close votes work?

Lets say someone has submitted the first close vote, and some of us with that privilege see that. But lets say that we press on leave closed. Does that negate that 1 close vote or does the system ...
Gustavo Litovsky's user avatar