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24 votes

Unfair use of Moderation tools

It does indeed seem unfair. Dave thought it was on-topic enough to answer, for him, but closed it for everyone else to answer. This sends conflicting messages. Fortunately a question can be reopened ...
pipe's user avatar
  • 14.5k
14 votes

Did everything just get wiped out?

Nothing to see here. Please look at this LED.
pipe's user avatar
  • 14.5k
10 votes

Can Spell Check of Electronics Terms be Updated?

AFAICT, spell-checking is entirely a function of your browser and its underlying OS, and has nothing to do with StackExchange per se. In other words, if you want to change its behavior, you need to ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
  • 177k
10 votes

Circuit editor missing from Ask Question page?

Fixed now, thanks for the report! This was a bug I created over 10 years ago. Under specific timing conditions, it was possible for dependencies like the CircuitLab plugin to never start. Those timing ...
balpha's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes

Unfair use of Moderation tools

To clarify: the mistake made here by the moderator was to answer the question. It was correctly closed. Then it was incorrectly re-opened, likely because of this meta post. And now it is correctly ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 21.6k
8 votes

Why am I in the Penalty Box when I just joined (sorry posting here, temp. non-citizen can't post where it's needed)

As commented, there is nothing we can do directly here. Each SE site has its own mods and even as a mod here, I cannot see any details over there. I have contacted the mods over there and they are ...
SamGibson's user avatar
  • 18.3k
8 votes

Where did the "simulate this circuit" link go?

Thank you for the bug report! There was one place I missed that had a hard-coded imgur URL which was preventing the message from appearing. I've shipped the fix, so new circuits will work fine. ...
kristinalustig's user avatar
  • 101
7 votes

I downvoted an answer today and that downvote shows to have deducted my reputation by 1. Why?

Another way to look at it is, once you've earned a few hundred reputation points, you can spend those hard-earned points moving bad answers down. Downvoting bad questions is free, but downvoting a ...
MarkU's user avatar
  • 15k
7 votes

Was the "Tour" removed?

The tour is now back in the top bar drop-down menu. See the earlier version of my answer below, where SE said this was an unintentional change which they were fixing. It has now been fixed (at least ...
SamGibson's user avatar
  • 18.3k
6 votes

Why does our inline syntax for Mathjax different from say, the Math SE?

Relevant Post: TeX Delimiters should be changed Basically, the initial SE implementation of MathJax decided to use the $ ... $ syntax despite the following notice ...
W5VO's user avatar
  • 19.2k
6 votes

I can't edit my old schematics

The problem appears to be that in older CircuitLab schematics, the image was saved as https:..., but in newer schematics, the image is saved as http:... Changing the text in the markup from https to ...
Math Keeps Me Busy's user avatar
5 votes

'Yearling' badge awarded three times in five days

Because your reputation has recently shot up this month from 111 to 666 (as of now) that's expected because you have over 3 x 200 reputation so you've become eligible for three badges. You've now been ...
PeterJ's user avatar
  • 17.2k
5 votes

I can't edit my old schematics

tl;dr: The fix should be out in production now. Please let me know if you're still seeing issues with schematic-related links. Big thanks to Math Keeps Me Busy for the HTTP vs HTTPS pointer. I'm not ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 101
5 votes

Is there a site problem with uploading images to answers?

This issue has been resolved - quoting myself from Meta Stack Exchange: Thank you for making this post. We diagnosed the issue with Imgur uploads and reached out to Imgur for support. They responded ...
Slate's user avatar
  • 101
4 votes

Is there a problem with CircuitLab "Save and Insert" today?

Not just today — I've been experiencing this issue intermittently for several weeks now. I'm using Firefox on Ubuntu. It's gotten to the point where I "select all" and copy my schematic to the ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
  • 177k
4 votes

Has there been a body text CSS change on EE.SE?

You're right, line spacing has been increased as mentioned here on Meta Stack Exchange: New post formatting Many people don't like the change, and posts like Please revert the line-height change! and ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 1,245
4 votes

Medal bug: Linking to wrong question

This has been fixed. More details (and haiku) on MSE.
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
4 votes

Page Not Found errors when clicking simulate this circuit on old answers

This has been fixed now. Our original update from Imgur Urls to the new Url domain were not looking at encoded Urls for schematics. Thanks for the report!
Troy Gould's user avatar
  • 101
3 votes

How does the system determine a "Highly active question." -- I think 6 year old questions are not Highly active

The "highly active" term has now replaced the "protected" term, but the principle is the same: these are questions that have been specifically marked by moderators to prevent new users with very low ...
dim's user avatar
  • 16.1k
3 votes

Stack Exchange Moderator Survey email - including non-moderators?

You're not the only one. See this SO post. You should be getting an email soon saying something like Please forgive us, we just goofed I would like to sincerely apologize. I just mistakenly ...
auden's user avatar
  • 105
3 votes

Is "off-topic" well-defined?

No… What's off-topic or not is hard to define, or rather, it's hard to judge if a question adheres to the guidelines. Sometimes people have different opinions about it, which is why we normally vote ...
pipe's user avatar
  • 14.5k
3 votes

Is there a problem with CircuitLab "Save and Insert" today?

Based on the network logs in KingDuken's answer, it appears that CircuitLab's server was having some issues and providing a response that the front-end didn't know how to handle. It appears to be ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 101
3 votes

Unfair use of Moderation tools

Your revised version of the question no longer has anything to do with the moderators. Note that this time the question was closed by 5 ordinary users. One reason it got closed may be that you state ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
3 votes

Bug: MathJax `enclose` environment not behaving as expected even when we write `\require{enclose}`

Is this what you intended to display? Using \$ ... \$: \$\require{enclose}\begin{array}{ccccccccc} \Large{\enclose{circle}{A}} & \xrightarrow{0.1} & \...
Velvet's user avatar
  • 4,550
3 votes

Was the "Tour" removed?

You're right, it's not where it used to be (Help center and other resources): You can (still) find it in the footer:
Velvet's user avatar
  • 4,550
3 votes

upvotes tally is not reflected in actual tally in vote summary tab

Summarising the new information kindly added in a comment by toolic, which show that the problem has now resolved itself: I now see the "accept" in the reputation tab. and confirmed by the ...
2 votes

Why is my "flair" Identicon different from my standard Identicon?

This is an issue currently being addressed on meta site-wide. Why is there a peeking duck in my profile pic? or Moderator election ballot: Different default images for candidates or Why is my profile ...
Passerby's user avatar
  • 73.3k
2 votes

I downvoted an answer today and that downvote shows to have deducted my reputation by 1. Why?

That's the way the system works. Read the rules, then get over it.
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
2 votes

"This suggestion still needs 1 approve vote from other reviewers." Why? I have enough rep to force the edit myself!

System wide. It's stupid, and really meant for high traffic sites like SO, but everyone is stuck with it. Why does approving an edit require more than one vote? Multiple approvers are required on ...
Passerby's user avatar
  • 73.3k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible