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24 votes

Why was this post migrated to

It shouldn't have been. Migration should only happen when something is OFF TOPIC HERE, and on topic there. This is clearly an on topic Electrical Engineering question. The mod who migrated it single-...
Passerby's user avatar
  • 73.3k
24 votes

Unfair use of Moderation tools

It does indeed seem unfair. Dave thought it was on-topic enough to answer, for him, but closed it for everyone else to answer. This sends conflicting messages. Fortunately a question can be reopened ...
pipe's user avatar
  • 14.5k
9 votes

Moderators: please explain the double decline

You read far more into a simple parenthetical comment than was ever intended, and chose to be offended by your interpretation. We really cannot control that. Jonk didn't mean that you were none of ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
  • 176k
9 votes

Unfair use of Moderation tools

To clarify: the mistake made here by the moderator was to answer the question. It was correctly closed. Then it was incorrectly re-opened, likely because of this meta post. And now it is correctly ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 21.6k
8 votes

What happened with moderator elections?

Currently we don't really need more mods, as flags' handling is not a big issue. We have an average of about 2 hours before a flag is handled, and the queue is more often empty than full. I have to ...
clabacchio's user avatar
  • 13.6k
8 votes

Moderators: please explain the double decline

I don't see anything offensive with the comment at all, although it's difficult to know for sure since we don't have the whole context. I think the chose their words to fit their target audience of ...
pipe's user avatar
  • 14.5k
8 votes

2020 Moderator Election — Community Interest Check

I would consider it despite some doubt that I'd get elected, having lost in both of the other EE.SE moderator elections that I ran in. (I have the T-shirts to prove it if you don't want to dig into ...
Adam Lawrence's user avatar
7 votes

Maybe I'm two more deleted comments closer to a suspension

Intro I have written this for a general audience, as I expect the background info may be interesting to other site members, with the part responding to the specific Meta question above near the bottom ...
SamGibson's user avatar
  • 18.3k
7 votes

Low quality question tag?

You have a history of asking poor questions. These get downvoted and/or closed, and the system has locked you out as a result. This is to protect the site from more of the same crap you've already ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
5 votes

Obliterate the "high" tag

Someone with enough rep created it, and then it got added on by a bunch of new users. I've edited it away. I've also done the same on the low tag.
W5VO's user avatar
  • 19.2k
5 votes

2020 Moderator Election — Community Interest Check

I would like to further serve the SE.EE community, put my name up for nomination.
Voltage Spike's user avatar
  • 87.1k
4 votes

2020 Moderator Election — Community Interest Check

I'm posting this to try to assess the community members' willingness to step up and nominate themselves, when the actual election's nomination period starts. Please leave an answer if you'd be ...
SamGibson's user avatar
  • 18.3k
4 votes

What might be the reason this question was deleted by a moderator?

Because the user of the original post requested it. I would think it would be stressful if one has to worry everytime a small amount of rep is lost.
Voltage Spike's user avatar
  • 87.1k
3 votes

Unfair use of Moderation tools

Your revised version of the question no longer has anything to do with the moderators. Note that this time the question was closed by 5 ordinary users. One reason it got closed may be that you state ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
1 vote

2021 Community Moderator Election

The obvious question: Why are there 3 choices but just 2 candidates?
1 vote

Moderators: please explain the double decline

I'll stand up and say that the parenthetical phrase is a violation of the "be nice" policy, and declining the flag is counter to the reasoning behind the be nice policy. That said, I have no idea ...
Scott Seidman's user avatar

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