17 votes

Is your current site name of "Electrical Engineering" responsible for an uptick in question quality?

I wasn't here before any name change, but it has been very handy to point to the "Electrical Engineering" site name to easily dismiss some types of bad questions (and the bad users that come along ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
15 votes

Topicality of questions pertaining to undocumented features

I think it would be fine. Note that W5VO (a moderator) said that hunting for an undocumented feature would usually be off-topic as a question. But documenting an undocumented feature through direct ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
  • 173k
10 votes

Topicality of questions pertaining to undocumented features

I'd like to add some points to what Dave Tweed already said in his answer, which I agree with. Reverse engineering usually has lots to do with researching undocumented features, and reverse ...
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
10 votes

Is your current site name of "Electrical Engineering" responsible for an uptick in question quality?

My perception with the problems that Programmers.SE face is that the name doesn't give a hint at the expected scope. It is remarkably easy to get to a point where one might consider themselves a "...
W5VO's user avatar
  • 18.7k
8 votes

Same mob of people keep closing my questions. Serial closing?

The same "mob" of people are closing a whole lot of bad questions. Your questions are closed because they are bad, not because someone has something personal against you. Your only open question so ...
pipe's user avatar
  • 14.3k
6 votes

On which site can I ask questions on electronic engineering roles?

I'd try on chat. I don't think it would be well-received on the main site. For example, searching for engineer skill is:question will show a few similar questions, ...
dim's user avatar
  • 16k
6 votes

Are questions on large scale civil electrical engineering on-topic?

The question is not off topic but YMMV because there are few power\industrial engineers here. You may not get the best answers
Voltage Spike's user avatar
  • 82.5k
5 votes

Is your current site name of "Electrical Engineering" responsible for an uptick in question quality?

I have not had the impression that question quality is rising significantly. Quality questions can often result from ones which start off shaky if you can get to them before they are put on hold by ...
Russell McMahon's user avatar
  • 150k
5 votes

Are questions on large scale civil electrical engineering on-topic?

I would think so; this stack is "Electrical Engineering", not "Electronics Engineering." Like all aspects of electrical/electronics, large-scale-grid is its own separate "...
rdtsc's user avatar
  • 16.2k
4 votes

Is your current site name of "Electrical Engineering" responsible for an uptick in question quality?

I'm not sure how significant an effect it is, but it's certainly something very easy to point to. It's easier for someone to argue that "why isn't my iPad working?" is on topic because it pertains to ...
hobbs's user avatar
  • 7,415
3 votes

can I ask about how to repair a gaming device

We discourage broad, open-ended questions relating to the reverse engineering, modification and/or repair of devices here on EE.SE because the answer(s) tend to become long strings of unrelated edits ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
  • 173k
2 votes

Are questions about Solidworks Electrical welcome here?

I'd say the line is between how to do 'something' with the software (in-topic) and how to 'use' the software or how it works (off-topic). Think about it: it should be about engineering, not software ...
clabacchio's user avatar
  • 13.5k
2 votes

Same mob of people keep closing my questions. Serial closing?

So, you had a choice of courses of action on getting your questions closed do you:- a) Try to learn from the experience and stop posting nonsense or ridiculously broad unanswerable questions. or b) ...
RoyC's user avatar
  • 10k
2 votes

Would questions about peripherals asking in user perspective be on-topic?

Questions about use are off-topic. Questions on the use of electronic devices are off-topic as this site is intended specifically for questions on electronics design. Questions about repair are ...
Nick Alexeev's user avatar
  • 38.2k
1 vote

Is asking about replacement/change of Micro-USB to USB-C on topic here?

If you want to check a site to see if a question is ok to ask, visit their help center. Our list of topics is here: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic consumer electronics such as ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
  • 82.5k
1 vote

yogurt on a pid controller: where to ask

Either here on EE.SE (we had controller questions in the past), or on Engineering.SE (versed in heat transfer). You could post it here first. If it doesn't pick up, then post a flag to the ...
Nick Alexeev's user avatar
  • 38.2k

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