I am an electronics and programming enthusiast with a background in electronics hardware design/manufacturing/repair and various programming languages. I held a job as a software developer programming primarily in Java, Javascript, and HTML but am familiar with other languages such as C, C++, Assembly, and a little bit of VB and VHDL as well. I have also dabbled in writing batch scripts and Android apps but am still in the learning process. I currently work as an Electrical Engineer primarily doing Schematic and PCB design. My work often involves some minor mechanical design as well, namely mechanical definitions for PCBs and enclosures as well as the fabrication and assembly drawings for the boards I design. Passing on knowledge while obtaining more from others is my primary focus as a member here on the StackExchange sites.
× 10May 14
CommentatorNov 21, 2018
ScholarSep 15, 2016
CriticJul 26, 2016