My expectations are that new contributors learn to write good specs which means to define the requirements in a question from the project whole and not just from an often poor idea that has technical issues that the Op wants to fix when there are far better solutions if the specs and tolerances were known.
One only has to look at any successful major project to appreciate the value in specs even if they change midstream, and the value of datasheets cannot be understated to be included in the question.
Since newbies do not have full privies, just putting the root weblink without the http or some edited variation so Admins can edit and correct is a big help.
Also since we have NO idea on your skill or experience level, try to include some background in your profile. We don't need to hide and we are all here to learn and help each other.
Also we expect some effort to use Google spellcheck.
I make spelling errors all the time due to phat fingers on iPad and erroneous spell corrections. No big sweat, just appreciated to show effort input and OPs expectations for help, should be evident in the question.
Tony retired near Toronto
p.s. also no drama or "pls help" but occasional humour is good, otherwise some Mods may over-react
@Mr. Calvert. here's an example from IBM who was 3rd technical manager for OS3. They had a major update outsourced to India programmer team and I asked her, do you have a good spec to measure their results? She said her boss had no spec. The project failed and it was a multi-million dollar loss. You start with big specs then break them down into little measureable specs. which can be UX, performance or anything.