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18 votes

Why boring questions have so much attention?

In my opinion it starts out because of the hot network question list that appears in the side bar across all sites. I'm not sure what the current algorithm is but last time I saw mention of it a large ...
PeterJ's user avatar
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16 votes

Why boring questions have so much attention?

In addition to the Hot Network Questions, I suspect that it has to do with bikeshedding. Even though I personally often upvote questions that I don't understand at all on a technical level but are ...
pipe's user avatar
  • 14.6k
8 votes

Someone has been upvoting nonsense non-answers

Lorenzo's idea of a community Wiki to track them probably isn't a bad idea. Here are some I've spotted, so feel free to add: https://electronics....
6 votes

Remember to upvote questions

Thanks for raising this about votes on questions - I had noticed it too. I agree that if a question is worth answering, then upvoting it should seriously be considered. As you said, that doesn't ...
SamGibson's user avatar
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2 votes

Why boring questions have so much attention?

Overall, questions where many readers think "Huh, what is that weird thing! I have never seen that before" receive lots of attention and up-votes. While the people who have seen the "thing" before ...
Lundin's user avatar
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2 votes

How come people upvote a bunch of a member's answers rapid fire style?

As a new user I sometimes did the same, when I saw a great answer by a user I was not yet familiar with. Chances are that the same user has written a lot of other great answers on similar topics, and ...
pipe's user avatar
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2 votes

Uncorrected serial upvotes

Thanks for highlighting this. As dim said, mods can't fix this directly. However a situation has been under review, so you have added useful info. If you have (or plan to) contact SE about this ...
SamGibson's user avatar
  • 18.3k
2 votes

Someone has been upvoting nonsense non-answers

FWIW, a google search for "stack exchange meta bad upvotes" yields dozens of hits, dating to the birth of the platform, most leading to conversations much like this one. My favorite answer is https://...
Scott Seidman's user avatar
1 vote

Why boring questions have so much attention?

Just my 2cents, from a new EE-SE user and definitively a "non expert" EE guy. Many people (like me) ask question to gain some help on EE topics (...I know, this sounds trivial, but this is what all ...
dentex's user avatar
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