Recently there was a question that concerned life support equipment. In this case, the asker was making a backup power supply for his respirator. That question is here: Relay not switching immediately from switching power supply to battery backup
I'm not sure how to react to these sorts of questions. Maybe these kinds of projects are so critical that it could be argued that if you need to ask, then you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. The opposite argument is that "if you're going to do it anyway, better to ask".
In any case, this puts the answerers and the community in a difficult position. On a quick look, I didn't find a policy about this. How to handle questions with legal ramifications is close but not quite on point here.
Any ideas here? I generally would like to help people, but I don't want to help getting anyone killed. Then again, I would like to help people get not killed. But even that seems risky. What to do?