So we now have a Terminology Reference
Well this has grown into something much larger than originally intended. This started as a quickly implemented suggestion of a moderator, and that's part of the reason why it has stayed around so long. As of this writing, there are 174 answers (including the deleted ones). I have locked the post while we figure out what to do with it.
To summarize the opinions I've seen (and feel free to leave a comment if I'm missing anything):
- Centralized "repository" of jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms.
- Allows users to assess whether a given acronym is common or not.
- Each individual post can be linked to in Questions/Answers/Comments.
- There are entries for items that do not have tags and/or tag wikis (60+)
- It violates the guidelines of StackExchange
- It is NOT off-topic. Stop trying to use that excuse any time you want to get rid of a question.
- Using criteria from the Help Center, this question is not practical, answerable, based on a problem. It is by definition open-ended, and certainly has generated a lot of chatter. "All the acronyms used in EE" is not a reasonable scope. Every (well, almost every) answer is equally valid, and there is no problem to be solved (other than a lack of an acronym reference). The question is not subjective.
- It replicates the functionality of the tag wikis
- It replicates a number of existing acronym indexes on the Internet (thanks Adam)
- It is not close to being complete - there are plenty of acronyms or abbreviations missing, resulting in activity for weeks if not months.
- It will serve as a poor indicator as to the type of questions allowed.
- It will encourage more list-style questions (e.g. "What types of capacitors are used in EE?")
- It requires maintainence (checking back to see new additions, updating of the index)
- Voting gives a preference to oldest answers
So what do we do?
Honestly, I'm torn on what to do with this question. The only "Con" that I don't really care about is following the StackExchange guidelines, as long as there is community consensus. I've seen three suggestions on what to do with the post: Leave it as it is, Move it to meta.EE, or delete it. Those three options will be placed below as answers for a poll (see, it's fun to subvert the StackExchange engine for fun and profit). I'll be going by total answer score, so yes that means you can upvote what you like, and downvote what you don't like, or even have a preference in your options. If there is another solution, add it as an answer.
tldr: Vote Below!
- At a net vote count of +8 (+18, -10), the majority of the community has voted in favor of keeping the reference question. The second closest option, deleting the question, was at +1 (+12,-11). Moving it to meta was at -1 (+8, -9). The question will stay around (unlocked) as long as it is maintained.