I was just looking at What electronic component can interrupt a powered circuit?, and then came here and saw What is the acceptable level of hostility towards questions?
How about some new close option that provides the message
Teaching very basic circuits and electronics does not fall within the purpose of EE.SE, which is a question and answer site for electronics and electrical engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts. While we encourage your endeavor, you have some work to do before you reach the level of student or enthusiast. [Web Site X or Book Y] is a fine reference that will help you find your answer. If after such due diligence you still do not have your answer, you will be able to re-ask here in the form of a much better informed question"
This might be a good Off-topic option. I think it will cut down on snarky comments, and keep our SNR higher. Yes, it will cut down on posts. That said, a huge portion of these posts are probably duplicates, anyway, if one bothered to do the research, and only water down our archive.
We'd have to be careful about what reference we pointed to, and keep that updated. Perhaps a good open textbook would be stable enough.
I don't know what we would call this close reason. "Low expertise" doesn't cover it, and I don't like "too basic". I'd love suggestions.