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Incorrect example in editing-help page

Both and have incorrect mathjax syntax in the example given. It is ...
hlovdal's user avatar
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4 votes
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Issue/bug with inline mathjax equations

\$ V^{+}_{DUT}=0 \$ \$ V^{-}_{DUT}=Vout_{Servo}*\frac{50}{50k+50} \$ I think there is an issue with the mathjax escape detection. As you can see, (at least for me), the first line renders correctly, ...
Connor Wolf's user avatar
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TeX Delimiter Behavior **HAS** to be explained somewhere in the New/Edit question dialog.

Ok, I ran into the problem with the TeX eating my dollar sign symbols. The use of the $ to delimit TeX is an issue. However, Far Worse is the fact that this ...
Connor Wolf's user avatar
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6 votes
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$\LaTeX$ turning into $\\LaTeX$ in the meta titles on the main site

What's this about? The question on the main site (that links to Test the new LaTeX markdown in this Sandbox question!) gives an error $\LaTeX$ ("Misplaced \"), but when meta links it, it ...
Nick T's user avatar
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5 votes
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TeX markdown needed on Meta

As seen in the recent sandbox question, TeX markdown isn't enabled on Meta. It should be. It's needed for the sandbox, and we're likely to have questions on how to do something in TeX, TeX bug ...
Kevin Vermeer's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

TeX Delimiters should be changed

The current LaTeX escapes of $ ... $ need to be changed. Several questions/answers have two dollar signs in the text somewhere. E&R has a number of ...
Kevin Vermeer's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

TeX should be supported on E&R, like on Math.SE, et. al.

Want (La)TeX. 'nuff said. e.g. Ugly single-line equations The problem is still here, two months later. I could add some more examples which I've read and written in the meantime, but it seems ...
Nick T's user avatar
  • 12.6k