Can I ask purely theoretical and hypothetical questions here?
For example:
What is the largest (the biggest area of) e-ink display that we could hypothetically power and make usable (working, displaying something) that we could potentially build with current tools?
I need to evaluate (only at high level) the area of such hypothetical e-ink display (assuming its area / dimensions could be counted in hundreds or even thousands of kilometres), it would be powered by the most powerful computer / processors cluster ever build by humankind so far (2020).
I am not even sure how to approach to this problem (knowing this would let me assume if it is or isn't off-topic here). The only thing that comes to my mind is to:
- take average computing power of a processor powering an average e-reader (Kindle?),
- divide computing power of the most powerful computing cluster ever build so far,
- take the resulting number and multiply it by average dimensions of an average e-reader.
Is such kind of question is on-topic here?