I don't think it makes sense to have a separate tag for designing ICs versus using existing ones. If a question is asking about the design of an integrated circuit, it should simply state as much in the question body.
That said, I think questions asking about a specific IC should not use the tag whatsoever. I regard the tag as synonymous with generic integrated circuits or ICs in the broad sense. If someone is asking about using a buck regulator, although it may well be an IC, who cares? It's like tagging a question "electronics" on this site. It serves no practical purpose.
In the first and last of your examples, "integrated-circuit" has nothing to do with the question aside from "there are integrated circuits involved in this endeavor." The first example seems like the OP simply went overboard with tagging. The last one should have been tagged with identification
That leaves the third example as the only one in a gray area. The OP is trying to identify an integrated circuit, but the question is really more about identification rather than anything pertaining to integrated circuits in general. I do, however, see that there could be some small value in tagging identification questions to indicate what type of component is being identified, making the tag somewhat purposeful there.
In sum, I don't think there should be a separate tag for IC design versus usage, but that's because the tag is often unnecessary or unhelpful in usage scenarios.